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INVECOM JOURNAL "Transdisciplinary studies in communication and society (ISSN: 2739-0063)




IF(Impact Factor)2025 Evaluation Pending



The INVECOM MAGAZINE "Transdisciplinary studies in communication and society", is attached to the Venezuelan Communication Researchers Civil Association.
Mission: To contribute significantly to the transdisciplinary debate on the phenomena of communication, culture and society.
Vision: To be one of the five best positioned journals on communication in Latin America.
Thematic area:
The publication proposes to debate against the disciplinary development of the sciences, which has left a balance of compartmentalization and fragmentation of knowledge that today is unacceptable from a postmodern perspective (Morin, 1984). The transdisciplinary implies a movement of decentering of the disciplinary, establishing "increasingly dense relationships not only between exact sciences and human or social sciences, but also between the sciences and the arts, literature, common experience, intuition and social imagination" (Barbero, 2005, Differences: from the multi and inter to the trans-disciplinary, 4). The relations, sub-relations and alter-relations that admit the transdisciplinary perspective and complex thinking (transcomplexity) imply a rejection of the "compact divisions of the disciplinary paradigm of modernity" (Márquez-Fernández, n/d, Thinking complexity from the cognitive praxis of intersubjective rationality, 18). And it is within the framework of the rejection of "disciplinary logic, as discourses of simplicity" (Lanz, 2003, El arte de pensar sin paradigmas, 18) that the discussion on the epistemological status of communication has relevance, understanding the immense possibilities and the fertile field of problems that can be approached from communication, not as a discipline, nor as an object, but as a knowledge that is not predetermined by the laws of the disciplines, capable of penetrating in the midst of the openings of other "relations of space and time in which the re-deconstruction of the realities of reality is conceived from the unpredictable possible" (Márquez-Fernández, n/d, Pensar la complejidad desde la praxis cognoscente de la racionalidad intersubjetiva, 23). It is imperative to think about communication at the crossroads of the transcomplex gaze, as a kaleidoscopic perspective "that clearly distances itself from any fundamentalist and dogmatic semblance" (Lanz, 2004, Transdisciplina y complejidad, 5), precisely because the cultural matrix of postmodernity is located in the transcomplex.
The INVECOM MAGAZINE is a peer-reviewed journal, specialized in communication and information issues, published twice a year. The issues may offer works on the phenomena of communication and information, demonstrating their close relationship with the socio-cultural and political context that defines them. The journal publishes original and relevant contributions in the field of social communication, specifically in the lines of: Society, Information and Communication Technologies, Communication and Politics, Journalism, Communication and Culture. For some editions, calls for papers on monographic topics will be organized.
Target audience of the Journal:
Researchers from all disciplines interested in the study of the phenomena of communication, culture and society.
Frequency: two issues per year (six-monthly).

Last modified: 2022-11-19 00:54:58


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