Journal of Intelligent Systems with Applications (ISSN: 2667-6893)
PublisherNature and Science Society
IF(Impact Factor)0.465 / 2023
- International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications
- Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering (IJISAE)
- Journal of Intelligent Learning Systems and Applications
- Applications in Engineering and Technology Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems
- International Journal of Intelligent Systems Technologies and Applications (IJISTA)
It accepts papers on Intelligent agents, Intelligent control systems, Intelligent defense and security systems, Smart sensors and materials, Hardware implementations for intelligent systems, Artificial life, Bioinformatics, Intelligent applications in biomedical engineering, Natural language processing, Genetic algorithms, Human-machine interface, Memetic computing, Particle swarms, Intelligent approaches in Robotics and automation, Intelligent approaches in signal processing, Intelligent approaches in system identification/modeling, Swarm intelligence, Social signal processing, Data-mining, Artificial intelligence, General subjects in intelligent systems, Deep Learning, Medical devices.Last modified: 2024-10-15 19:35:06
- No Archives