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Jurnal Konversi Energi dan Manufaktur (ISSN: 2622-5565)

PublisherUniversitas Negeri Jakarta



IF(Impact Factor)2025 Evaluation Pending



Jurnal Konversi Energi dan Manufaktur (JKEM) is published by the Mechanical Engineering Department (Rumpun Teknik Mesin) of the Faculty of Engineering UNJ (Fakultas Teknik UNJ), Universitas Negeri Jakarta every six months in January and July. The purpose of this journal is as a medium for lecturers, researchers, Student and practitioners to discuss the results of their research in mechanical engineering. Each submitted article will go through a review process before it can be determined as suitable for publication. The editorial team will decide for each article that comes in whether the article fits the JKEM scope for the next review process. Moreover the article was checked by turnitin to check similarity to other publish article.

Last modified: 2022-01-25 23:03:44


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