Business and Economics Research Journal (BERJ) (ISSN: 2619-9491)
PublisherBusiness and Economics Research
IF(Impact Factor)0.457 / 2017
Business and Economics Research Journal (ISSN: 2619-9491) is a peer-reviewed and academic journal which is only published four times in a year (January, April, July and October).The aim of Business and Economics Research Journal (BERJ) is to publish research articles on business and economics sciences, and other social sciences that are related to business and economics for contributing to the international social sciences literature. BERJ publishes high quality studies in the fields of business administration, economics, public finance, labor economics, econometrics, and business law. Although BERJ has a preference for academic studies, it also welcomes studies that are written other researchers and practitioners. The goal of BERJ is to constitute a qualified and continual platform for sharing studies of academicians, researchers and practitioners.
BERJ is indexed/abstracted in;
– ULAKBIM Turkish Social Sciences Database,
– EBSCOhost,
– EconLit,
– ProQuest,
– Index Copernicus,
– Index Islamicus,
– ASOSIndex,
– RePec,
– Central and Eastern European Online Library (CEEOL),
– Ulrich's Periodicals Directory,
– Cabell's Directories,
– Contemporary Science Association Databases,
– Zeitschriftendatenbank (ZDB),
– Directory of Research Journal Indexing (DRJI),
– Polish Scholarly Bibliography (PBN),
– Open Academic Journals Index (OAJI),
– ResearchBib, and
– J-Gate.
BERJ is using an open access system. The articles are downloaded automatically when you click on the “pdf” or “full text” icon for the article (this requires Adobe Acrobat Reader to be installed on your PC). The full-text of the articles can be stored for personal and academic use only. Copying or downloading of the articles for the purpose of commercial profit is forbidden.
Last modified: 2018-06-03 16:30:42
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