Finance and Business Economies Review (ISSN: 2588-2503)
PublisherThe University Center Abdelhafid boussouf – MILA
IF(Impact Factor)2025 Evaluation Pending
Finance and Business Economies Review: A Specialized International scientific, double-blind peer-reviewed, free of charge, non-profit, open-access journal, quarterly (four (04) issues by the year), published by The Institute of Economics, Commerce and Management Science, University Center Abdelhafid Boussouf -Mila- –Algeria. The journal focuses on the following topics: economics and managerial sciences, authors are encouraged to submit complete unpublished and original works, that are not under review in any other journals, either in Arabic, English or French language. The journal include an international editorial board that works according to international standards. Our team is working to improve and upgrade the journal to reach global levels in the field of scientific research. The journal is published in both print and online versions. The online version is free access and download. All papers around the world are very welcome in our International Journal.Last modified: 2018-09-21 19:52:29
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