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Indiana Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences (ISSN: 2582-8630)

PublisherIndiana Publications



IF(Impact Factor)2025 Evaluation Pending



"Indiana Journal of Humanities and Social Science” ISSN: 2581-8630 (Online) is monthly, peer-reviewed, open-access Academic and Research Journal which publishes Full-Length Original Research Articles, Review Article, Essays, Short Communications, Case Studies, editorial comments in all fields of Humanities and Social Science.
The aim of the “Indiana Journal of Humanities and Social Science” is to promote excellence by providing a venue for academicians, Researchers, Philanthropists, and students to publish significant empirical and conceptual findings and studies in all fields of Humanities and Cultural Studies and share globally. Scopes: “Indiana Journal of Humanities and Social Science” publishes manuscripts in all areas of Humanities and Social Science which include are but not limited to Humanities, Social Activities, Anthropology, Archaeology, Classics, Communication, Criminology, Demography, Development Studies, Cognition and Culture, Cross-cultural Learning, Communication and Culture, Cultural Studies, Educational Assessment and Evaluation, Ethnicity and Culture, Intercultural Communication, International and Comparative Education, Language and Culture, Popular Culture, School Health Counselling and School Psychology, Special Education, Economics, Education, Geography, Geology, Government, History, International Relations, Journalism, Law and politics, Library Science, Linguistics and Languages, Literature, Performing arts, Philosophy, Political Science, Psychology, Religion, Sociology, Visual arts, Women studies etc.

Last modified: 2021-04-11 17:22:33


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