Journal of Interdisciplinary and Intercultural Arts (ISSN: 2548-0634)
PublisherOnline journal
IF(Impact Factor)2025 Evaluation Pending
- Journal of Intercultural and Interdisciplinary Archaeology
- The McGill review of interdisciplinary arts
- The journal of the Association for the Interdisciplinary Study of the Arts
- Interdisciplinary International Journal of Advances in Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities (IIJASSAH)
- Program. Professional artists, visual arts, performing arts, show business, multidisciplinary and multimedia arts, media arts, literature, craft
Journal of Interdisciplinary and Intercultural Arts JIA JOURNAL (IJIIA) is a non-profit international peer-reviewed journal.The Journal is published twice annually and may have special issues under necessary circumstances.
The journal accepts articles in Turkish, English, French, German and Russian and offers the possibility of publication for articles in other languages if approved by the publishing board.
The journal covers the mutual interactions of all art disciplines and all social and positive science disciplines (all social science disciplines such as Sociology, Philosophy, Psychology, Archaeology, Anthropology, Ethnography and Mathematics and Life Sciences) in relation with arts.
Last modified: 2017-11-29 05:09:12
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