International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology (ISSN: 2456-2165)
IF(Impact Factor)3.585 / 2015
- International Journal for Innovative Research in Science and Technology
- International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer Science & Technology
- International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology (IJIRSET)
- EIJO Journal of Science, Technology and Innovative Research (EIJO–JSTIR)
- International Journal of Engineering Science and Innovative Technology (IJESIT)
IJISRT (International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology) is an open access peer-reviewed international platform where publishing of top quality and referred papers from highly intellectual scientists and engineers are welcomed. Originality is primarily focused here. Papers with original research are highly appreciated. Authors can also submit the extended versions of previously published conference/ research papers. Peer review selection procedure is used to select the papers for publication thus ensuring the uniqueness, relevance, and readability. The high visibility of published papers to the scientific community is greatly determined by the wide indexing policy used by IJISRT. that's we come in the list of top paper publishing sites.This open journal is exceptionally specific which covers all the points that speak to a wide readership of different branches of science, engineering and other related fields. The IJISRT has numerous advantages all intended towards reinforcing research abilities and propelling academic careers. Academic career advancement is highly influenced by Research Paper Publication.
We ease the scientific research publishing in different branches of M Tech such as Mechanical, Computer Science, Information Technology, Electrical and Electronics & Communication by facilitating our authors with high class information, exposure and innovative tools thus enhancing their productivity and ability to take important decisions.
Scribd, Google Scholar, Slideshare , Academia, Thomson Reuters are some of the platforms where you can find IJISRT indexed.
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Last modified: 2017-09-19 00:49:56
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