Journal of High Energy Physics, Gravitation and Cosmology (ISSN: 2380-4327)
PublisherScientific Research Publishing
IF(Impact Factor)2025 Evaluation Pending
Journal of High Energy Physics, Gravitation and Cosmology (JHEPGC) is a cutting edge research periodical aimed to be forward looking and innovative and, at the same time, remaining in the mainstream. In other words, we are all in favor of being open minded about alternatives to mainstream, but they must be properly formulated and plausible scientific proposals, supported by mathematical rigor. In fact, being open mind in Science is a good thing and we encourage mainstream as well as avant-garde research papers but they must be grounded in real science and of course meet with our refereeing standards.The need for such a journal has become more than apparent when recent cosmological observation and measurement has made it clear that new discoveries (particularly the discovery of Dark Energy), the accelerated cosmic expansion and gravitational waves have shaken the very foundation of High Energy Physics, Gravitation and Cosmology. Thus we, on the one hand, need to be truly open minded, i.e. in the sense clarified above. On the other hand, we have to adhere as much as possible to our time tested theories and be guided even more than before by observations and experiments.
The Journal is intended to fulfill this double edge philosophy religiously. It goes without saying that the refereeing of submitted papers will be also both rigorous and swift. Following what we have said, the Journal will predictably cover, but will not be restricted only to, the following subjects:
? Accelerated Cosmic Expansion
? Advances in Mathematical Methods
? Astronomy and Astrophysics
? Black Holes
? Cosmic Quantum Entanglement
? Cosmic-Ray Physics
? Dark Energy
? Dark Matter
? Dimensional Regularization
? Extended Theories of Gravity
? Fractal Models of Space Time
? Gravitational Waves
? K-Theory
? Loop Quantum Gravity
? M-Theory
? N-Category Theory Applied to Physics and Cosmology
? Non-Commutative Geometry
? Non-Demolition Quantum Measurement
? Observational Techniques
? Phenomenological Oriented Theories of Particles and Field String Theories
? Quantum Field Theories in Curved Space Time
? Quantum Teleportation
? Renormalization
? Scale Relativity
? Theoretical and Experimental High Energy Physics
? Topological Defects
? Unification of Fundamental Interactions
? Varying Speed of Light
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Last modified: 2015-09-10 17:03:49
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