Comunicação & Educação (ISSN: 2316-9125)
PublisherDepartamento de Comunicações e Artes da Universidade de São Paulo
IF(Impact Factor)2025 Evaluation Pending
The Journal is focused on the field of Communication studies, above all, on the Communication/Culture/Education interrelationships. Its mission is to develop critical knowledge, capable of evidencing that: the means of communication are present in people's daily lives and introjected in them, in such a way that, wherever there are human beings, the means will be present. Based on this premise, the Communication & Education magazine is committed to disseminating content that allows the communicator, educator and educommunicator to know and use the means, with a view to achieving the goals of developing critical thinking, committed to social rights, democracy and citizenship.Last modified: 2022-07-14 06:08:23
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