Science and Innovative Development (ISSN: 2181-9637)
PublisherState Unitary Enterprise
IF(Impact Factor)7.312 / 2023
The journal of “Science & Innovative Development” is a scientific and innovative edition which is regarded as a compendium for scientific and theoretical, empiric and analytical articles written by experts, researchers, university professors, doctoral candidates and independent researchers from Higher Educational Institutions of the republic.The journal is released in accordance with the Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Nr ПП-3416 of November 30, 2017 “On establishing of the Ministry of Innovative Development of the Republic of Uzbekistan” in compliance with prospective development program of the Ministry, with a view to implement the state program as well as to raise value of the research and publication activities of scientists, doctoral candidates, independent researchers and university lecturers and professors in the republic.
The journal is registered at the Press and Information Agency under Nr 0974 for periodical editions.
The founder of the scientific journal of “Science & Innovative Development” is the Ministry of Innovative Development of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
The goal of the edition “Science & Innovative Development” is to publish scientific articles of analytical, scientific-research, scientific-practical and scientific-instructional nature in various fields of knowledge which are distinct with fundamental, applied and innovative feature.
Objectives of the edition “Science & Innovative Development” include:
- publishing new scientific articles and annotated description of innovative developments;
- forming up of a dynamic scientific community in our country, in the future – inviting university professors and scientists from other countries and international scientific community to publish their articles in the journal;
- raising awareness of all potential readers on innovative development trends both – within our republic and globally;
- boosting creative and publishing activity of national scientists and researchers.
Last modified: 2024-02-08 02:18:19
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