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South Asian Journal of Management Sciences (ISSN: 2074-2967)

PublisherIqra University Research Center



IF(Impact Factor)2025 Evaluation Pending



From the time of SOUTH ASIAN JOURNAL of MANAGEMENT SCIENCES (SAJMS) inception to date, the Journal has learnt to adapt to the dynamic research environment and stay competitive in order to grow in this field. The editorial office has been putting sheer efforts to deliver quality work with the use of technological advancements in academia. South Asian Journal of Management Sciences (indexed with Econlit, EBSCOHOST, Cabell’s Directories, ULRICH etc. and also being monitored by the Scopus) appreciates the OPEN ACCESS POLICY and incorporates the same to unite the research community and allow research interaction free to all. For the purpose, SAJMS has already established affiliation with DOAJ. We are integrated with the renowned duplication checking software, TURNITIN for checking the Originality of the papers submitted to our Journal.ORCID is a new initiative, which SAJMS is already functioning on and we are directing our Journal to work on new tools and systems to stay competitive and embrace more quality.

Last modified: 2013-11-25 19:00:30


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