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Distributed Multimedia (ISSN: 2032-9245)




IF(Impact Factor)2024 Evaluation Pending



Near-future telecommunication services are expected to provide the end-user with multimedia data at any-time, any-where, at the desired quality of service, through either fixed or mobile networks. In this scenario, multimedia data is progressively more provided by distributed sources and combined at the user side, in the network or at any intermediate proxy server between the transmitter and the clients to adapt the content to the user profile and needs as well as to the network conditions. Heterogeneity is a key feature in these service scenarios; it refers to the data source, which can be a virtual or physical server devoted to a specific application or a peer, and to the network, which can be a federation of different domains managed by different provides. The successful provisioning of such service scenarios demands for integrative investigations of different technology issues, spanning from signal processing to networking protocols definition, from network architecture design to system modelling. These technologies, generally hidden to the user, will be pre-requisite to allow for efficient multimedia support of user-centric digital communications.
Within this scope, ICST Transactions on Distributed Multimedia is intended to provide a unique international journal for researchers from industry and academia, working on multimedia coding, communication and networking fields, to study new technologies, applications and standards. Original unpublished contributions are solicited that can improve the knowledge and practice in the integrated design of efficient technologies and the relevant provision of advanced distributed multimedia services and applications.

Peer-to-peer multimedia distribution, immersive multimedia applications, distributed and scalable multimedia coding, architectures for multimedia distribution, multimedia collaborative authoring, multimedia collaborative description and annotation, streaming over wireless heterogeneous channels, distributed multimedia services, multimedia service composition, management of multimedia systems, multimedia system test beds and applications
Dr. Luigi Atzori joined the University of Cagliari (Italy) in 2000, where he is currently assistant professor. His main research topics of interest are in multimedia networking: error recovery and concealment, IP Telephony, video streaming, network QoS management. He has published more than 70 journal articles and refereed conference papers. Dr. Atzori has been awarded a Fulbright Scholarship (11/2003-05/2004) to work on video at the University of Arizona. He is editor for the ACM/Springer Wireless Networks Journal and has been the guest editor of the special issue on Multimedia over Ad-Hoc and Sensor Networks (Monet Journal, 2008), guest editor of the special issue on Mobile Video (Elsevier Image Communication Journal, 2007) and the editor of LNCS Visual Content Processing and Representation (Springer LNCS 3893). He is involved in the organization of several international conferences on Multimedia Communications and Networking.
Editorial Board
Immersive Multimedia Applications, Distributed and Scalable Multimedia Coding
Cristian Perra
University of Cagliari, Italy
Immersive Multimedia Applications, Streaming Over Wireless Heterogeneous Channels
Claudio Sacchi
University of Trento, Italy
Distributed Multimedia Services, Streaming Over Wireless Heterogeneous Channels
Geyong Min
Bradford University, UK
Distributed Multimedia Services, Architectures for Multimedia Distribution
Maria Martini
Kingston University, UK
Peer-to-Peer Multimedia Distribution, Architectures for Multimedia Distribution
Tasos Dagiuklas
TEI of Mesolonghi, Greece
Peer-to-Peer Multimedia Distribution, Distributed and Scalable Multimedia Coding
Thomas Schierl
HHI Fraunhofer, Germany
Multimedia Service Composition
Petteri Nurmi
University of Helsinki, Finland
Jon Sporring
Department of Computer Science, University of Copenhagen, DK
Distributed Systems, Management of Multimedia Systems
Jean-Marc Thiriet
IUT de Grenoble, FR
Multimedia Collaborative Authoring, Multimedia System Testbeds and Applications
Vesna Zeljkovic
DESU University, USA
Laura Grindei,
Technical University of Cluj-Napoca
Multimedia Collaborative Authoring, Multimedia Collaborative Description and Annotation
Ioannis Patras

Last modified: 2011-08-16 07:58:13


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