Algorithms Engineering (ISSN: 2032-9202)
IF(Impact Factor)2025 Evaluation Pending
The aim of the ICST Transactions on Algorithms Engineering (TAE) is to provide a forum for presentation of original research in the design, implementation and evaluation of algorithms. TAE dedicated to the use, design and evaluation of algorithms for combinatorial optimization problems (either efficient optimal or efficient approximation algorithms) and to real-world applications, engineering and experimental analysis of algorithms. It aims, in particular, at fostering the cooperation among researchers in computer science, networking, discrete mathematics, mathematical programming and operations research.The journal focuses on the design, engineering, theoretical and experimental performance analysis of algorithms for problems arising in different areas of computation. We invite submissions that present significant case studies in theoretical and experimental analysis and evaluation of algorithms with specific areas including communications networks, combinatorial optimization and approximation, parallel and distributed computing, computer systems and architecture, economics, game theory, social networks and the world wide web. Novel uses of discrete algorithms in all disciplines and the evaluation of algorithms for realistic environments are particularly welcome.
Discrete alogrithms, Combinatorial optimaization and approximation , Parallel and distributed computing , Networking computing, Computer systems and Architecture, Game theory
Dr. Michael Segal completed B.Sc., M.Sc., and Ph.D. degrees in computer science from Ben-Gurion University of the Negev in 1994, 1997, and 1999, respectively. During the period of 1999-2000 Professor Michael Segal held a MITACS National Centre of Excellence Postdoctoral Fellow position at University of British Columbia, Canada. Professor Segal joined the Department of Communication Systems Engineering, Ben-Gurion University, Israel in 2000 where he currently serves as Department Chairman. Recently, Prof. Segal served as the General Chair and the Program Committee Chair of ACM/SIGMOBILE DIALM-POMC Joint Workshop on Foundation of Mobile Computing 2008 and the Program co-Chair of International Conference on Mobile Ad-hoc and Sensor Networks, 2008. His primary research is algorithms (sequential and distributed), data structures with applications to optimization problems, mobile wireless networks, wireless ad hoc sensor networks, communications, and security.
Dr. Alberto Marchetti Spaccamela is Professor at Sapienza University of Rome, Italy, since 1991. Previously he was visiting scholar at University of California at Berkeley and Professor at the University of L’Aquila. He has co-authored a book on “Approximation Algorithms” (Springer Verlag) and four textbooks for University classes (in Italian). He has chaired International Conferences and Workshops (WG 96, ICALP 97, WSDAAL 97, ICTCS 91, OLA 99, WAE 01, Hot TiNA 08) and track C of ICALP09 on “Foundations of networked computation”; he has been guest editor of special issues of Theoretical Computer Science, ACM Computing Surveys, Discrete Applied Mathematics, J. of Discrete Algorithms and is in the editorial board of the open access journal Algorithms; he has co-edited four volumes published by Springer Verlag and has served in the program committee of many international conferences and workshops. He has served in the steering committee of ESA and is currently member of the WG and ATMOS steering committees. His current research interests concern the design and the analysis of algorithms, and their applications to computer networks, bioinformatics and scheduling
Editorial Board
Stefano Basagni
Northeastern University, USA
Weifa Liang
The Australian National University, Australia
Alex Kesselman
Google Inc., USA
Andrzej Pelc
Université du Québec, Canada
Peng-Jun Wan
Illinois Institute of Technology, USA
Peter Widmayer
ETH, Switzerland
Stefan Funke
Universität Greifswald, Germany
Alessandro Panconesi
Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
Leen Stougie
VU University, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Shmuel Zaks
Technion, Haifa, Israel
Alon Efrat
University of Arizona, USA
Jack Snoeyink
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA
Andrei Broder
Yahoo Inc., USA
Gerhard Woeginger
Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands
Pierre Fraigniaud
CNRS and Université Paris Diderot, France
Michael Juenger
Universität Köln, Germany
Last modified: 2011-08-16 07:54:37
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