International Journal on Enterprise Modelling and Information Systems Architectures (ISSN: 1860-6059)
IF(Impact Factor)2025 Evaluation Pending
SubjectFlyer in PDF Format For many companies, information systems that are in line with their long term strategy and that support efficiently their core business processes are a pivotal success factor. Designing information systems is a complex task that requires the participation of various groups, e. g. system analysts, domain experts, software developers and prospective users. In order to cope with the complexity of this task, adequate abstractions are mandatory. Enterprise models make use of various abstractions of an enterprise, such as models of business processes, static information models (e. g. data or object models), system architectures or models of corporate strategies. They contribute to the development of integrated information systems and help to overcome the gap between business executives and software developers.
The Journal Enterprise Modelling and Information Systems Architectures is the official journal of the Special Interest Group on Modelling Business Information Systems and the Special Interest Group on Development Methods for Information Systems, both within the German Informatics Society (GI). The journal is dedicated to promote the study and application of methods and languages for enterprise modelling and information systems development - bridging the gap between theoretical foundations and real world requirements. While most Information Systems journals stress empirical methods, Enterprise Modelling and Information Systems Architectures is intended to represent an alternative for those who prefer a design-oriented approach. It is not only aimed at researchers and students in Computer Science and Information Systems, but also at information systems professionals in industry, commerce and public administration who are interested in innovative concepts.
The journal serves to publish results of innovative research on and interesting experience with all facets of creating, analysing and deploying enterprise models and information systems architectures. For research papers, it is required to satisfy academic standards in terms of originality, level of abstraction and justification of results. Experience reports serve to describe and analyse success stories as well as practical obstacles and resulting research challenges. Topics covered by the journal include, but are not restricted to the following subjects:
Languages and Methods for Enterprise Modelling, e. g. Object-Oriented Modelling, Modelling of Business Processes and Workflows; Domain-Specific Modelling Languages, Method Engineering, Reference Models, Analysis and Design Patterns, Analysis and Evaluation of Models, Quality of Models and Languages, Process-Oriented System Architectures, Component-Oriented System Architectures, Ontologies, Modelling for Enterprise Application Integration, Model Driven Development.
Last modified: 2012-03-01 13:14:09
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