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Journal of Engineering Science & Technology (JESTEC) (ISSN: 1823-4690)

PublisherTaylor’s University



IF(Impact Factor)2025 Evaluation Pending



JESTEC (Journal of Engineering Science and Technology) is an open access journal. The Journal aims at the publication and dissemination of original peer-reviewed research articles, reviews and discussions on the latest developments in all fields of engineering science and technology. The journal publishes original papers in English which contribute to the understanding of engineering science and improvement of the engineering technology and education. Papers may be theoretical (including computational), experimental or both. The contribution should be unpublished before and not under consideration for publication elsewhere.

Preparation of Pre-Review Manuscript

Manuscripts, where appropriate, should contain these sections in the order: Title, Authors, Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Experimental Procedure, Theory, Results, Discussion, Conclusions, Nomenclature, Acknowledgments, and References.
Pre-Review Manuscripts are to be typed in double-spaced 12 points times new roman font, with one-inch (2.5 cm) margins left and right, top and bottom. The manuscript may consist of text and equations, with all figures, tables, line-drawings, and photographs grouped as artwork at the end of the text.
Length: There is no limit to the length of the contribution.
Language: English (UK).
Nomenclature: A nomenclature section defining all symbols used should be included. S.I. units should be utilised throughout the paper.
Abstract and Keywords: On the first manuscript page, following the title and authors with their affiliations (name, title, organization, city, state, country, email), please include a 100- to 200-word abstract summarizing your problem and findings. On a line below the abstract please include five keywords for indexing and database word searches.
References: All sources cited in the text must be included in the reference list, and vice versa. References are to be listed in the order cited in the text in Arabic numerals. Reference section to be as below
1. Journal Article
Al-Atabi, M.T.; Chin, S.B.; and Luo, X.Y. (2005). Flow structures in tubes with segmental baffles. Journal of Flow Visualization and Image Processing, 45(2), 1412-1420.
2. Journal Article in Press
Al-Atabi, M.T.; Chin, S.B.; and Luo, X.Y. (in press). Flow visualization in tubes with segmental baffles. Journal of Visualization.
3. Book
Roberson, J.A.; and Crowe, C.T. (1997). Engineering Fluid Mechanics (6th ed.). New York: John Wiley and Sons Inc.
4. Conference Paper
Al-Atabi, M.T.; Chin, S.B.; and Luo, X.Y. (2004). An experimental study of the flow in an idealised human cystic duct. Proceedings of the First Asian Pacific Conference on Biomechanics. Osaka, Japan, 33-34.
Submission of Pre-Review Manuscript
A soft copy of the manuscript to be submitted to the Executive Editor via email or on a CD-ROM (via mail).
Preparation and Submission of Post-Review Manuscript
After attending to all the referees’ comments and suggestions, submit a soft copy of the manuscript via email or on a CD-ROM (via mail) to the Executive Editor. The Post-Review Manuscript style should follow the provided “template of final paper”.
Other Matters

Proofs: The corresponding author will be mailed proofs for correction. These must be mailed back to the Editor-in-Chief.
Reprints: One complimentary copy of the issue where the contribution is published will be sent to the corresponding author.
Copyright transfer: All the authors should sign the copyright transfer form before the publication of the contribution.

Review Policy: All contributions shall be subjected to review by two experts in the field. The board of editors reserves the right to accept or reject any contribution. The board of editor shall do its best to ensure a quick refereeing process.

Last modified: 2011-02-14 14:31:44


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