Herald of the Economic Sciences of Ukraine (ISSN: 1729-7206)
PublisherThe Institute of the Economy of Industry of the NAS of Ukraine
IF(Impact Factor)2025 Evaluation Pending
Scientific journal "Herald of the Economic Sciences of Ukraine" is devoted to the problems of economic development and strengthening social economic order, the solution of the priorities of the stabilization process in Ukraine. The founders of the journal: Academy of Economic Sciences of Ukraine and the Institute of Industrial Economics of NAS of Ukraine. Resolution HAC of Ukraine № 3-05 / 11 dated 15.12.2004. The journal included in the list of professional publications.The journal continues the tradition of integrating academic and university science with practice, contributes to the wider scientific, educational and industrial activity, the formation of highly qualified personnel.
Thematic focus of publications: publishing papers of a wide spectrum of theoretical and applied problems of the economy, review and discussion papers.
Last modified: 2020-08-03 19:44:13