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Scientia fructuosa (ISSN: 1727-9313)

PublisherState University of Trade and Economics




IF(Impact Factor)2025 Evaluation Pending



Founder: State University of Trade and Economics
Established: 1998
To October 2000 had been published under the title "Herald Kyiv State University of Trade and Economics"
To February 2022 had been published under the title "Herald Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics"
From March 2022 it will be published under the title "Scientia fructuosa"
Magazine has been registered by HAC of Ukraine as special edition on Economics.
The journal publishes research results:
The issues of macroeconomic theory and economic reform in Ukraine; improving the efficiency of business in different sectors; management and marketing in trade, hospitality and tourism; accounting, financial analysis and control; development of the stock, insurance and banking markets; formation of range of products and improvement of their quality; development of foreign trade, mastering the philosophical heritage and historical sciences and others.

Last modified: 2023-05-03 20:53:39
