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Journal Of Business Case Studies (JBCS) (ISSN: 1555-3353)

PublisherThe Clute Institute




IF(Impact Factor)2025 Evaluation Pending



The Journal of Business Case Studies (JBCS) welcomes business case studies designed for use in business and economics courses and articles related to the use of case studies in the classroom.
This journal welcomes business case studies that will be of assistance to business education professionals. This journal publishes papers that significantly contribute to the understanding of teaching business courses using case studies. Using a wide range of research methods including statistical analysis, analytical work, case studies, field research and historical analysis, articles examine significant research questions from a broad range of perspectives. The intent of JBCS is to publish papers that significantly contribute to the field of teaching & learning by using business case studies.
JBCS is a widely cited, completely open access journal that is an essential for business education professionals. Published business case studies and solutions may be downloaded for use in the classroom and for research purposes. Topics may include but are not limited to accounting, business law, economics, ethics, finance, management, marketing, and related fields.

Last modified: 2012-11-23 12:10:59


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