Diogenes (ISSN: 1314-2763)
PublisherSt. Cyril and St. Methodius University Press
IF(Impact Factor)2025 Evaluation Pending
Diogenes is a peer-reviewed thematic book series for innovative studies in the field of philosophy and psychology. It is issued by the publishing house St. Cyril and St. Methodius of the University of Veliko Turnovo since 1993 and was initially established as a local platform for research publishing. Later, the series have associated a number of outstanding national and foreign scholars and thus has managed to widen significantly the scope and nationality of its contributors and published works. Today it is one of the most well-known and respected academic series for philosophy and psychology in Bulgaria. Each year the series has two issues: one, devoted to philosophical and one to psychological themes.In the last few of years, Diogenes has moved towards international development. It has contributions from neighboring countries such as Romania, Serbia and Greece, as well as works of contributors from Russia, Poland, Ukraine, Slovakia and Albania.
Diogenes publishes only original work that has not been previously published. Every issue has a fixed thematic framework that is chosen by the editorial board on the basis of the topicality of certain contemporary problems and the raised public and scientific discussions. Among the previously published issues such problems and discussions are: the relationship between philosophy and science, the practical importance of philosophy, philosophy and culture, the problems of social psychology, the psychology of the person, etc.
Last modified: 2018-07-31 18:36:24
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