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Journal of Travel and Tourism Research (ISSN: 1302-8545)

PublisherAydın Adnan Menderes University Tourism Faculty



IF(Impact Factor)2025 Evaluation Pending



Aiming at freely accessible scholarly knowledgebase in the travel, hospitality and tourism field, the JTTR, with its rich, quality, current and applicable information from different corners of the world, and growing number of queries and manuscript submissions, is emerging as a major and highly favorable scientific platform among researchers and practitioners.
The journal covers all types of empirical and conceptual research of issues relevant to travel, tourism and hospitality industry. In addition to research articles, research notes and book reviews, the JTTR welcomes book discussions and contributions debating or commenting issues of interests to researchers and the professional community.
All manuscripts published in JTTR are double-blind peer reviewed by scholars expert in the subject/topic area of the manuscript and in the disciplinary or methodological approach used. The standard for publication in JTTR is that the paper must make a clear contribution substantively, theoretically or methodologically, to the body of knowledge.
Indexed/abstracted in Ebsco, Ciret, Proquest Career and Technical Education,Turizam, Journal of Travel and Tourism Research has recently been approved for inclusion in the 11th Edition of Cabell's Directory of Publishing Opportunities in Marketing.
Thanks to the distinguished editorial board members for their time, painstaking reviews, constructive criticisms and contributions, the JTTR will successfully continue to dissemination of knowledge to a wider audience since 2001.

Last modified: 2021-02-18 15:58:34
