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Perspectiva teológica (ISSN: 0102-4469)

PublisherFrancisco das Chagas de Albuquerque




IF(Impact Factor)2025 Evaluation Pending



Perspectiva Teológica aims to disseminate the theological reflection (in systematic, biblical and pastoral areas) with proven, scientific quality, being open to ecumenical and inter-religious dialogue, as well as to other fields of scientific knowledge that will contribute to the service of faith and the commitment to justice. Thus, it serves as an instrument of permanent actualization of Theology and clarification of our Christian faith in view of postmodern world problems. Through thematic and diverse articles this publication offers to those who devote themselves to the study of Theology (an) aid for their reflection and theological debate. It also grants to its readers the possibility of aides which, over time, may solidify the reason of their faith and hope (1Pt 3.15).
Articles' Scope
Perspectiva Teológica publishes articles covering these areas: 1. Theology of Christian Praxis (Christian Spirituality, Cultural and Religious Pluralism; Current Ethical Trends). 2. Systematic Theology (Biblical Sources of Christian Tradition; Interpretation of the Christian Tradition on the Current Horizon).
Perspectiva teológica is indexed in important national and international databases, some of them offering access to 1) complete texts: Periodicos Capes; SEER (Eletronic Journal Publishing System); Sumá; EZB: Elektronische Zeitschriftenbibliothek; HSH: Hochschule Hannover. Others, more specialized, offer access to 2) bibliographic databases: ATLA ( American Theological Library Association), Chicago, USA; ATLA CPLI (Atla Catholic Periodical Literature Index) – published by The Catholic Library Association, Haverford, Pennsylvannia, USA; Lists of articles, within their respective fields, appear in NTA (New Testament Abstracts), published by Weston Jesuit School of Theology, Cambridge, Mass., USA and OTA (Old Testament Abstracts), publication of The Catholic Biblical Association, Washington, D. C., USA; CLASE. Citas Latino-Americanas en Sociología, Economía y Humanismo, published by Centro de Información Científica y Humanística, of Universidad Nacional Autónoma, México, DF.
Perspectiva Teologica is also indexed in 3) Collective National and International Catalogues: IBICT CCN (Brazilian Collective National Catalogue); ACNP (Collective Catalogue of Universidade de Bolonha); COPAC (United Kingdom Collective Catalogue); RERO (Western Switzerland Library network); Seriunam (National Hemerographic catalogue of Mexico); SWISSBIB (Swiss Scientific Information); WorldCat/OCLC (World Collective Catalogue). It is in 4) Foreign Library Catalogues with links to full articles, such as : Bibliothekssystem Universität Hamburg; HEIDI (Katalog fur die Bibliotheken der Universitat Heidelberg);; Staatsbibliothek Zu Berlin. Also, in the following: 5) Foreign Library Catalogues with acess to references: Bibliotheksverbund Bayern; Universitat Tubingen; BSB: Bayerische Staatsbibliothek; Georg: The Library Of Georgetown University; 6) other Catalogues, Ohio; Tyndale House Biblical Weblink; Academic Resource Index; ZDB; 7) Directories: Latindex (Sistema Regional de Información en Línea para Revistas Científicas de América Latina, el Caribe, España y Portugal (México); Dialnet (Universidad de La Rioja (España).; Diretório Acadêmico do Google; 8) Indices: BIBLAT(Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM); Index Religiosus: International Bibliography of Theology, Church History and Religious Studies.

Last modified: 2017-11-16 22:54:02


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